Downtown Los Angeles skyline with the Hollywood sign in the background - colorful digital painting

by Nicko Prints
Downtown Los Angeles skyline with the Hollywood sign in the background - colorful digital painting
Nicko Prints
Digital Art - Digital Painting
Downtown Los Angeles skyline with the Hollywood sign in the background – colorful digital painting made from two photos combined, and then I added colors over. In the image is the cityscape of Los Angeles with some of its biggest skyscrapers, U.S. Bank Tower, Gas Company Tower, City National Plaza and Aon Center Tower. In the distance are the Hollywood Hills with the famous Hollywood sign. The Hollywood Sign is an American landmark and cultural icon overlooking Hollywood, and situated on Mount Lee in Santa Monica Mountains.
June 14th, 2021
Comments (36)

Diamante Lavendar
Congratulations! Your beautiful, artistic work has been chosen as a special feature in Emotive Art Group! You can archive your work to the special features discussion tab in the group! It is an honor to have you as a member!

Lyric Lucas
Congratulations, your creative and unique art work is Featured on the homepage of the "Out Of The Ordinary 1 A Day" group! 8/30/23

Gary F Richards
Spectacular Downtown Los Angeles Skyline composition, lighting, shading, excellent colors and artwork! Congratulations on your very deserving features! F/L

Christopher James
One of your peers nominated this image in the 1000 Views on One Image Group's Special Features Nominations For Promotion #26 . Please help your fellow artists by visiting and passing on the love to another artist in the the 1000 Views on One Image Group....L/F/Tw

Diana Mary Sharpton
Nominating this fabulous LA skyline artwork for special feature on the 1000 view group... fabv/t/p/